Our preference is to receive high resolution (300dpi or higher at 100% scale), print-ready PDF files. PDF exchange formats such as PDF/X ensure that fonts are embedded, images will not degrade, and all colors are converted to a CMYK color profile [US Web Coated (SWOP) v2].

We can print your files from PDF, Adobe InDesign*, Adobe Illustrator*, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word*, Microsoft Excel*, Microsoft PowerPoint*, and Microsoft Publisher*. We also support image file formats such as JPG, TIF, and PNG.
*Certain files may require special preparation. See below:
• Adobe Illustrator – Please outline your type and embed all linked images/graphics.
• Adobe InDesign – Please “package” file and zip. The “package” function is located under the “file” menu tab which will automatically include all fonts and linked images/graphics in folders along with your print file. Please “export” the idml file and include in packaged folder prior to zipping.
• Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Publisher – There is a chance of layout issues when submitting these types of files because of inconsistencies with fonts and spacing. Please request a PDF when submitting orders.
Color documents will be printed in CMYK format using CMYK laser printers. While it is okay to submit RGB formatted documents, please understand that the resulting color output may not meet your expectations nor will the output be an accurate match to the document as seen on your monitor.

Whenever possible, create artwork at 100% scale. Orders requiring enlargement may result in lower quality images.
Prior to submitting a PDF, view your PDF at 100% scale through your device. If any images appear pixelated or blurry, it is likely they will print that way as well. Inspecting your file’s resolution prior to submitting will ensure images are of sufficient resolution which will result in a quality print. In general, images that will be viewed close up should be at least 300 dpi or higher, such as business cards, postcards and flyers. Images that are to be viewed at a distance should be at least 150dpi, such as large posters, banners and backdrops.

Bleed is a printing term that is used to describe a document which has images or elements that touch the edge of the page, leaving no white margins. Documents that require a bleed must be printed on a larger sheet of paper, then cut down to the final size. For this reason, it is necessary to include 1/8 inch (.125”) bleed extension along each edge of your design, keeping in mind that this excess will be trimmed away during the cutting process. For most documents, 1/8” bleed area is sufficient, although for large-format documents, 1/4” bleed area is preferred. (example; if a 4×6 postcard need to bleed, the file submitted should be sized to 4.25×6.25).

Outer borders and white margins should be no less than 0.25”. Any smaller border/margin may result in inconsistencies in the thickness which will magnify any nominal image shifting.
Flatten all layers and transparencies in Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator prior to exporting to PDF. This will result in a smaller file size and help with eliminating printing errors.